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Some quotes just have that ring of truth about them.

One that captures and conveys a reality so many high-achieving, driven individuals struggle with comes from Tony Robbins:

“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.”

As a physician who’s witnessed countless lives unfold, I’ve come to realize that true success isn’t just about achieving goals — it’s about finding fulfillment as you do so.

The Ultimate Measure of Success

After observing thousands of deaths, I can tell you there’s only one kind of good death: pain-free and at peace.

In my observation, those who face their final moments with serenity share a common thread — a lack of regret. They look back on their lives, judge and measure what they see, and respond with contentment. Conversely, those who reach this twilight stage unhappy with their life’s choices struggle to find peace.

Success is a net-score game. Just like you can’t judge a parent’s success until their child is grown, the true measure of our lives often isn’t clear until the end. That’s why it’s crucial to begin with the end in mind.

What Really Matters?

When people reflect on their lives, certain themes consistently emerge as most essential:

  • Relationships
  • Impact
  • Purpose
  • Health
  • Economic stability

Many of these contribute toward an overarching idea of “reaching your full potential” in life. For driven, entrepreneurial individuals, the idea of looking back on a life that didn’t reach its full potential can be particularly painful. This is why it’s so important — difficult though it is — to start the journey of discovering who it is you really are and what it is you really want.

Digging just two or three layers deep can uncover some root causes pretty quickly. For example, try asking yourself questions like:

  • Why do I want success?
  • Why do I want to grow?
  • Why do I work out?
  • Why do I want to eat healthy?

Keep digging deeper with each question. Finding definitive answers can be difficult, but it’s the unlock for connecting with your purpose, for finding what your ideal self looks like — the way your ideal “you” would behave, think, invest, give, and love.

Ideals often aren’t achievable, but they give you a horizon to watch and to align yourself toward. Mapping your journey toward that beacon leads you to an end full of contentment, not regret.

The Health-Purpose Connection

People often enter my world having already developed thriving businesses and great relationships but struggling with their health. For instance, I might see a CEO who’s built a company from zero to a household name but who struggles with 80 pounds of extra weight.

How is that possible? How can weight loss elude someone who’s demonstrated such ability to achieve?

The answer often lies in attention and prioritization. High achievers typically devote significant time, energy, and resources to their areas of success. They tell their spouse they love them every day. They think about their kids constantly. They check their business metrics religiously.

But when it comes to health? Many rely on an annual physical (if that) and think it’s enough. It’s like trying to run your day-to-day business by looking at last year’s tax returns. Just as a thriving company needs constant monitoring of various metrics, our health requires ongoing attention to key pillars like sleep, fitness, and blood sugar levels.

Infographic: Health, Wealth, and Happiness: A Physician’s Take on Living Through Purpose

Two Critical Areas for Health Focus

To get specific, I’ll mention just two of the biggest factors where driven professionals can allot focus to improve health and longevity.

1. Not Smoking

This might seem obvious, but it bears repeating: Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death on the planet. So, if you smoke, the single most important thing you can do for your health is to stop. No exceptions, no equivocations.

2. Delaying Diabetes

After quitting smoking, delaying the onset of diabetes as much as possible is the most crucial step you can take for a long, vibrant life. Diabetes is a gateway to so many health issues you don’t want to go near, including heart disease, sleep apnea, depression, chronic pain, cognitive decline, and possibly even Alzheimer’s dementia.

The key to preventing diabetes? Blood sugar management.

While general guidelines provide a good idea of where to start, everyone’s body reacts a little differently to foods and activities. So, learning how your body reacts is key.

To that end, I find that using a continuous glucose monitor for a designated time period provides invaluable insights into how your body responds to various foods and behaviors. This real-time feedback empowers you to make informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle.

For example, you might discover that a “healthy” food actually causes your blood sugar to spike or that a small change in your routine has a significant impact on your glucose levels.

Even if you’re in great health, periodic monitoring helps you stay on track and make small adjustments to optimize your well-being.

Invest in Your Health

I’ve seen countless individuals who spent their lives building wealth, only to realize too late that health is the ultimate equalizer. No amount of money can buy back years of neglect.

It’s a common misconception that you can rally later and make up for lost time. The truth is, your health journey starts now — today. Every choice we make either invests in our future well-being or borrows against it.

But by allotting attention and resources to your health early and consistently, you often change the outcome. It’s the difference between a scary situation that you had to go through but you overcame and a scary situation that turned into a tragedy.

Final Thoughts

As you pursue success in your career, relationships, and personal growth, don’t forget to incorporate health into your strategy. It would be a shame to exit life decades early simply because you didn’t invest in your well-being.

Your health is the foundation upon which all other aspects of your life are built. By living with purpose, paying attention to key health metrics, and making informed choices, you can work toward a life of true success — one that’s not just long but vibrant, fulfilling, and free of regrets.

Quote: Health, Wealth, and Happiness: A Physician’s Take on Living Through Purpose

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Disclaimer: Content found on the Brentwood MD site is created and/or reviewed by a qualified concierge physcian. We take a lot of care to provide detailed and accurate info for our readers. The blog is only for informational purposes and isn't intended to substitute medical advice from your physician. Only your own physician is familiar with your unique situation and medical history. Please always check with your doctor for all matters about your health before you take any course of action that will affect it.