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How to Take Control of Your Heart Health for a Long and Vibrant Life
Life is risky by nature, but we have the power to make choices that reduce those risks. You can choose to go skydiving… or…
Why Urological Health is Vital for Every Man
It’s something you know is important, something you know shouldn’t be ignored, but you continue to turn a blind eye to it anyway. Maybe you’ve…
Healing the Whole Self: A Candid Conversation About Chiropractic Care
Is our healthcare system working for us, or is it keeping us trapped in a cycle of illness? Diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease account for 70% of…
Revitalize Your Mind and Body: The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy For Women
It’s no secret that testosterone plays an integral role in male health — from libido and muscle mass to fertility. We’ve all heard commercials…
How to Optimize Your Thyroid Levels: Why “Normal” is a Dangerous Word
You’re not just tired, you’re knock-down, drag-out exhausted. You’re not just irritable, your moods surge in unpredictable highs and lows. Your menstrual cycle and…
How to Achieve Whole Health: Understanding the Mouth-Body Connection
What does your health insurance policy cover? It might pay for the cost of an ambulance ride to the hospital, important vaccinations, and annual…
The Conversation Women Need to Have About Hormone Optimization
Hormone optimization is one of the most important and misunderstood health therapies available today. My partner in crime, Jen Justus, and I have been…
The Women’s Health Initiative: The Medical Trial That Changed History
As a private physician, I work each day to improve the lives of my patients. Not through pointless 15-minute visits and thoughtless prescriptions, but…
How Intermittent Fasting Leads to Higher Performance
Few people in the fitness industry impress me as much as Zane Griggs. Zane launched his career as a fitness and weight loss coach in…
How to Manage Stress with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
Health isn’t the absence of disease; it is total physical, mental, and social wellbeing. We may expect disease, alcohol consumption, or weight gain to…
Is Testosterone Therapy Safe for Men? A Research-Based Guide to BHRT
According to the old birthday joke, you’re “over the hill” after your 50th birthday. But why do we assume this milestone is an old…
An Overview of the Diabetic Spectrum: How to Spot the Signs of Early Insulin Resistance
Type 2 diabetes isn’t like a broken leg. It’s not an injury that happens without any warning in a split second. Quite the opposite! Type…