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The Art of Fulfillment: Why Success Is Never Enough
Love him or hate him, Tony Robbins offers some incredible insight when he says, “The ultimate failure is success without fulfillment.” We’re training to chase, achieve, and clutch onto success in our careers and relationships, but success can feel empty and hollow when it’s not accompanied by fulfillment. Throughout my career, I’ve counseled men and women enjoying tremendous amounts of success, but so many of them were still unhappy.
Sex After 40
We live in a culture dominated by sex, but rarely do we approach the topic of intimacy with the authentic, honest perspective it deserves. Sex is a marketing tool and a movie cliche, but it’s also a cornerstone of your relationships and overall wellbeing.
Health Multipliers for Men
You’re rushing through the airport, late for a flight that you can’t miss. Turning the corner to sprint down the terminal, you find a moving sidewalk spanning the length of the hallway. As you hop on, your normal running pace doubles or triples as it combines with the forward momentum of the walkway. It’s like you’re moving in fast-forward, except you’re not exerting a single ounce of extra effort.
3 Ways To Add Decades of Vibrant Living to Your Life
Until May 6, 1954, everyone considered running a four-minute mile impossible. This obstacle even had a name: the four-minute barrier. But thanks to British runner Roger Bannister and 1,400 other incredibly talented athletes following his example, the four-minute mile has now become the professional standard.
Making A Comeback After 50
Check the greeting card aisle at any Hallmark or grocery store, and what do you find on the cards designated for 40th and 50th birthdays? “How to Tell When You’re Getting Old…” “Better to Be Over the Hill Than Buried Under It!” “Here Lies My Youth, R.I.P.” Birthday card after birthday card, perpetuating the myth that you have to “get old” and “feel old” after 50.
Hacking Your Health: A Guide to Wearable Health Tech for Modern Executives
We’re living in the information age, where almost any question can be answered with a split-second Google search. Except for questions about your own body and health. Those answers are more elusive, and not even Google can tell you how your blood sugar levels impacted your quality of sleep last night. Until now.
How to Break Free From the Toxic Effects of Regret
I don’t often begin a medical discussion by contemplating philosophies, but we can’t separate the emotional experience of being a human from the practice…
The Most Underrated Human Emotion: How to Infuse Joy Into Your Daily Life
You can probably recite your daily schedule by heart. You know exactly what you’re supposed to do and exactly when each deadline is looming. But how often do…
Recovering from Quarantine: 3 Ways to Respond to a Traumatic Event
The coronavirus hit us like a suckerpunch. Now, after nearly three months of lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing, we’re finally starting to emerge and…
Executive Physicals 101: An Annual Exam For Optimal Performance
You visit your dentist every six months to prevent cavities and gum disease; you head into your hairdresser every few months to maintain your…
Understanding Your Cholesterol Health: Risk Factors, Essential Numbers, And What Your Doctor May Be Missing
It’s time to talk about cholesterol, but not in the way you’re expecting. Let’s start with the “facts” you’ve been taught to believe. Do…
Why Women Should Lift Weights: Words of Advice From Brandi Binkley for Women Who Lift
Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 00:51:22 Pop your head into any gym across the country, and you’re guaranteed to find buff, sweaty, muscular men…