Male Fertility

I sat down with male fertility and men's health specialist Dr. Matthew Pollard to discuss some of the most important aspects of male infertility. By bringing this subject to light,…
Aaron Wenzel, MD
December 2, 2021

Rethinking Addiction

If addiction is losing connection with your most authentic self to the grips of a perpetual, uncontrollable urge, then what is the opposite? And how do we claim that somebody…
Aaron Wenzel, MD
October 28, 2021

Sex After 40

Instead of using sex as clickbait, we need to address it just like any other health factor. Intimacy is part of a healthy romantic relationship, so discussing sex (and its…
Aaron Wenzel, MD
September 2, 2021

Health Multipliers for Men

  Health multipliers for men are the moving sidewalks of your health journey. They exponentially increase the impact of your efforts, allowing you to embrace a life of longevity and…
Aaron Wenzel, MD
August 5, 2021

Making A Comeback After 50

It's completely possible to reclaim a better, more rewarding quality of life after 50! Whether you’re approaching the Big 5-0 or you’re already past it, this episode breaks down what…
Aaron Wenzel, MD
June 10, 2021