Dementia: New Insights and a Plan for Action
August 19, 2022
Dementia: New Insights and a Plan for Action
Jen and I tackle the topic of what dementia is and how we screen for and diagnose it using dementia…

Insulin Resistance
July 26, 2022
Insulin Resistance
We are unpacking one of the most critically important topics in all of medicine for the next 20 years: insulin…

How to Get Rid of Man Boobs (Advice From a Doctor)
July 12, 2022
How to Get Rid of Man Boobs (Advice From a Doctor)
When you look in the mirror, are you happy with the person staring back at you? Based on the fact…

Enemy #1 — Metabolic Disease
May 20, 2022
Enemy #1 — Metabolic Disease
This month we talk all about enemy #1: metabolic disease. We cover what it is, why it happens, and five…

Male Fertility
December 3, 2021
Male Fertility
In Western culture, the masculine experience has traditionally been defined by three core tenets: the ability to protect, provide and…

Rethinking Addiction
October 29, 2021
Rethinking Addiction
Addiction is so misunderstood. I believe we need a new, better approach to discussing addiction in order to achieve true…

An Overview of the Diabetic Spectrum: How to Spot the Signs of Early Insulin Resistance
July 23, 2019
An Overview of the Diabetic Spectrum: How to Spot the Signs of Early Insulin Resistance
Type 2 diabetes isn’t like a broken leg. It’s not an injury that happens without any warning in a split…

How Cancer Affects Men & Women Differently (And What to Expect at Every Age)
We all know someone whose life has been permanently altered by cancer. Cancer used to be the disease that happened…

Sleep Deprivation: How Your Lack of Sleep is Killing You
June 25, 2019
Sleep Deprivation: How Your Lack of Sleep is Killing You
As a determined, ambitious, successful professional, how often do you feel like you have the luxury to go home, relax,…